Friday, June 4, 2010

i'm proud of being me...:)

seperti entri dia ta..saye bangge dengan diri saye....
knp mcm tu...ade sebab...

1. berjaya memasuki dan mengawal situasi baru....

2. kerana aku adalah 1,1,1, nye orang melayu dalam ofis aku(in case supervisor aku g outstation, tp die mmg xde slalu dlm ofis pn)...

3. kerana aku adalah sorg je pompuan dlm ofis tu...

4. kerana yang laen semue adalah cina..cina..dan cine...

5.kerana aku sorg je trainee kt ofis tu..yg laen semue veteran..haha...

6. berjaya mengahrungi alam yg baru...

7..kerana boleh menyerap tekanan kerja..biase la org cineee....

how proud i am of being myself....bkn senang nk bekerja dgn yg majoriti org cine..
mungkin ade dasar diskriminasi sikit...tapi ,xpe la...biarkan saje mereka dengan care mereka...
yang penting aku bangge diri aku..biar la org laen tak kisah pun...daripada aku xtau least aku tau la sikit sikit ape yg diorg ni satu yang nak bangge...aku bole menyerap tekanan yang diberikan oleh mereka mereke ini..walaupun aku bukanlah seorang yang berasal daripda software or computer xpe la..knowledge baru..xbaek tolak ilmu...

kat sini..walaupun nampak ade sikit diskriminasi..tapi tidak terlampau2...aku masih mendapat parking free(yeaayyy)....dan dibelanje makan tengahari oleh bos2 bos ku...xde la diskriminasi sgt pn...ok je cine long as pandai bwak diri...ok...dulu..1st time dtg sni..dah la parking jauh..kne byar plak tu...2 ari lpas parking jauh..

bos: how u come to the office?

........: by car...

bos: where do u park ur car?

........: at open parking there...why?

bos: owh..really..u have to pay rite? time, u don't have to parking there, juz park at our parking lot..u see ecava..then,u park there..

......:owh..i see...are u sure?how about the rest?the bosses,staffes?

bos:don worry..all staff here also ur boss, they also par there..there still space for you..never mind..2morrow u juz park there...

selepas 3 hari....

bos:ain,where do u park ur car..i didn't see your car juz now...

.....:i'm juz park at usual place..coz i see that i have to block someone's car if i park there..i dun want to trouble all of u, 6 pm i'm going back already...

bos:it's time,u juz park need to think about us..we can handle it for's small long as we can take u in...unless,there a new staff here,only then u need to give the priority to them first...

.........:thanx mr teo...

sampaila skrg park kt company parking...haha...cine cine ni suke dtg diorg akn block kete,even pkol 6,aku nk balik,,tp diorg xnk balik lg..mereke sanggup turun utk alihkan kereta mereka...pastu naek balik sambung keje...huh..rase bersalah plak....

every single thing yg xtau pn kne rajin tanye..sgt supportive...helpful....mgkin friendly agak kurg...biase tau buat keje2 je...

everything so far so good...cme kt sni xde kawan yg boleh gosipping same2...dh lame xgelak kuat...besar2..gosipping...arrggghhh...


Ini ialah Yaya Ismail said...

fui yo.
they're very welcoming u.
first of all..
a big CONGRATULATION from me.
u can adapt the environment so fast and get used to it.
well. it actually an enjoy experience to work with chinese. eventho u know there will be things like diskriminasi what so ever.


wow wow wow.
jarang beno aku berbahasa english seperti ini.
sungguh rase pelik.

ape pun,
aku heppy tuk ko.

Xxx said...

thanx alia...haha...
tp mcm ko jgk di tmpat lame... aku xhappy kt sni..haha...
xpe la..
aku xyah resign..3 mggu n 3 ari je lg....

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